Living Your Strengths
Helping Church Leaders and Christians discover their God-given talents and inspire their community.
"I didn't write this book, but I wish I had. Living Your Strengths allow you to discover you God-given talents of your congregation in the most objective and accurate way. This information is invaluable if you are serious about building a world-class congregation. Everybody should have a copy."
best-selling author of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", founder of INJOY, ISS and EQUIP.
Helping Church Leaders and Christians discover their God-given talents and inspire their community.
"I didn't write this book, but I wish I had. Living Your Strengths allow you to discover you God-given talents of your congregation in the most objective and accurate way. This information is invaluable if you are serious about building a world-class congregation. Everybody should have a copy."
best-selling author of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", founder of INJOY, ISS and EQUIP.
A recent study by Gallup revealed that most people (53%) do not strongly agree with the statement - "In my congregation, I regularly have the opportunity to do what I do best." Clearly, too many individuals' talents and strengths are going unrecognized and unappreciated. God has placed within you a calling - a calling to serve others and advance the cause of Christ and the Church, a calling to ministry. When you discover your talents, you begin to discover your calling.
You will be most successful in whatever you do by building your life around your greatest natural abilities rather than your weaknesses. When you do that, the church can be united in diversity and be directed to what God has called it to be (1 Corinthians 12:27).
As a leader in the church, don't you wish that ...
You will be most successful in whatever you do by building your life around your greatest natural abilities rather than your weaknesses. When you do that, the church can be united in diversity and be directed to what God has called it to be (1 Corinthians 12:27).
As a leader in the church, don't you wish that ...
This one-day LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS workshop empowers you to focus on what truly motivates you. It is not a sustainable strategy when serving in the church and community leads to burn-out and prolonged stress - often, this is a consequence of a needs-driven focus, rather than a strengths-based leadership emphasis. In Living Your Strengths, we believe that effective ministry is an intersection of the needs of others with your unique strengths. Serving and leading without a focus on your strengths can be an emotionally-draining and energy-sapping affair.
Yet, many leaders today are too busy serving and at the same time running on empty - this ought not to be. The good works which God has called us to in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 2:10) has been prepared for us even before we were born! Therefore, there are two questions worth reflecting on - Am I living life and serving in the ministry based on the expectations of others? or Am I living according to how God has naturally wired me to think, feel and behave so that I lead and serve from a position of strengths (rather than constantly trying to fix my weaknesses)?
Come and rediscover afresh your unique talents and begin LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS.
This workshop is facilitated by Joseph Tan, principal consultant of Good Monday Consulting and the first Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach in Malaysia.
Yet, many leaders today are too busy serving and at the same time running on empty - this ought not to be. The good works which God has called us to in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 2:10) has been prepared for us even before we were born! Therefore, there are two questions worth reflecting on - Am I living life and serving in the ministry based on the expectations of others? or Am I living according to how God has naturally wired me to think, feel and behave so that I lead and serve from a position of strengths (rather than constantly trying to fix my weaknesses)?
Come and rediscover afresh your unique talents and begin LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS.
This workshop is facilitated by Joseph Tan, principal consultant of Good Monday Consulting and the first Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach in Malaysia.
For more information, on how you can bring the LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS workshop to your church or organization, please contact: Joseph Tan Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +60 12 327 1700 |